I have got some maintenance issues. Do I need to resolve them or will the system deal with them?

In order to not hinder the efficacy of the system the property has to be kept in a dry and waterproof condition and adequately maintained. The system has not been designed to deal with maintenance problems such as broken tiles, damaged pointing, leaking gutters etc. or to stop ingress of water. Such issues should be rectified to enable the system to work effectively and at its maximum potential.

How quickly after the installation can I redecorate my property?

We advise to wait at least 12 months from the completion of installation before carrying out any re-plastering or redecoration works. This allows time for the system to work at its maximum potential. If any of such works are carried out too early, before the walls are dry enough, the new decoration could be affected by damp.

How do I maintain CAREBRICK®?

We advise to check the elements once a year and if necessary, clear them off cobwebs, leaves or other obstacles, so the airflow through the elements is not restricted.

Do I have to be at home when CAREBRICK® is installed?

We ask that someone is at home when our team arrives as they will need to go inside to measure the thickness of the walls and the level of the floor. It is not necessary to be at home for the rest of the installation. However, we need unhindered access to water and electricity for the duration of the installation and access to the property for Health and Safety reasons.

Wouldn’t it be better to insulate my home?

No, insulation does not solve damp problems. On the contrary, when more moisture is coming in than can be disposed of, the insulation too will eventually get filled with moisture. Too much insulation will also block the breathing effect of a wall and might cause condensation. Initially the wall will be able to retain more heat because of the insulation, but after a while the insulation too will fill with moisture because of condensation. The insulation will not have the intended effect.

How long will it take for the walls to dry out?

The moment that CAREBRICK® is installed, it starts to work. In some cases, the walls will have been absorbing water for many years (tens or even hundreds!) so the first task is to reverse this process and start removing the moisture. Some properties might need repairing before or just as the system is installed. The effectiveness of Carebrick® will be hindered in cases where water is penetrating the property due to external defects such as a broken gutter or missing roof tiles. The structure of the walls (brick, stone, solid or cavity construction) also affect how quickly the system works. In general, the first results will be achieved after a year, but two to three years is no unusual in the case of solid walls constructed from natural stone.